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Leibster Award Nomination

A Week Of Awards
Vashti Quiroz-Vega nominated me for this award sometime ago. I humbly accept her nomination! Vashti is a thoroughly engaging blogger and a kind person. She has a novel that you can find here: The Basement
The rules for accepting the Liebster Blog Award:
1- List eleven random facts about yourself.
2- Nominate eleven other bloggers.
3- Notify these bloggers.
4- Ask eleven questions that the bloggers must answer upon accepting the award.
5- Answer the eleven questions that you were asked when you were nominated.
6- Link back to the person who nominated you.

Eleven Random Facts About Me:

1. I make superb omelettes.
2. I mainly use the Pour Over Method to make coffe.
3. I love snow.
4. I hate the cold.
5. I love to swim.
6. I hate water (just kidding).
7. I like to drive.
8. I hate traffic.
9. I was included in:
 Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities.
10. I love the Philippines.
11. I often dream I can fly.

1. What was the funniest movie you have seen?

I think one of the funniest movies I could watch anytime is "Bringing Up Baby" with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn.

2.What’s your earliest memory?

One of my earliest is feeding pigeons breadcrumbs out my kitchen window onto a roof beneath and naming the pigeons "roof-eaters".

3. What was your favorite school subject?


4. Have you EVER had a need to use algebra away from a school environment? (No, seriously!)


5. Do you understand modern art (or even know if it’s hanging the right way up?)


6. Most enjoyable book?

"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens is quite enjoyable to me and I read it at least once a year. (In addition to watching many movie versions of it during December.)

7. Ever spent money to buy something you really wanted, although you could hardly afford it at the time? 

Hmmmm...maybe a book or two,

8. Apart from when you were a child, have you ever danced in the rain?

Yes, I worked in a summer camp several years and did it often. I did it the last time I went to the ocean when it rained while I was there.

9. What country would you like to visit that you have not yet been to?

A toss-up between Australia, England or Ireland.

10. What makes you grumpy?

Mean people.

11. What’s your ’Go To’ switch to make you feel better on a gray day?

Eating a pastry and drinking a good cup of coffee.

1. What was the funniest movie you have seen?
2.What’s your earliest memory?
3. What was your favorite school subject?
4. Have you EVER had a need to use algebra away from a school environment? (No, seriously!)
5. Do you understand modern art (or even know if it’s hanging the right way up?)
6. Most enjoyable book?
7. Ever spent money to buy something you really wanted, although you could hardly afford it at the time?
8. Apart from when you were a child, have you ever danced in the rain?
9. What country would you like to visit that you have not yet been to?
10. What makes you grumpy?
11. What’s your  ’Go To’ switch to make you feel better on a gray day?
I nominate the following for the Leibster Award:


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