Sadness Overwhelms Sometimes we let sadness overwhelm us, let it overcome us, let it overtake us. During these times, our soul is filled with melancholy, with anguish, and with desolation. We feel alone, sit alone, and cry alone. Our hearts droop, despair, and despond. Our tears pour, puddle, and pool. Isolation becomes our closest friend. Aloneness makes his home with us. Solitude surrounds us like a blanket. We become disillusioned, desolate and desperate. We take no joy in any season. We laugh at nothing. We take pleasure in no thing. Sleep escapes us. Dreams haunt us. Escape eludes us. Anger has long since gone. The only thing we feel is numbness. Pain would be a relief. Regret is replaced by resignation. Rejection is the only thing accepted. Remembrance is forgotten. When passion has subsided, when dreams have dissolved, when hope is unfound, we stumble, tumble, and submit. We become disconsolate, despondent and distraught. Sack cloth and ashes becomes our garb. Sometimes, as...
"Always be a poet, even in prose." ~ Charles Baudelaire