In fears In fears In fears I fight with feckless fury, losing lengthy bouts, unfraught with glory. Endless days evolve into light-less fright, daylight shines the same as night. Forgotten moments remembered sorely, feign a laugh in tearful mourning. Unwanted faces fill my mind, fractal memories, intertwined. Horror sounds a shrill alarm, afraid, no escape from misery's harm. Shiver, shake and tremble loud, pushing back the blackest shroud. Nightmares fill my waking hours, sleep holds back restoring powers. Unleashed monsters, from dawn to dark, blinding billows of dark so stark. Dread pursues from each direction, never finding calm reflection. Sagacious specters haunt my life, with ferocious fervor filled with strife. Shadows stalk my thoughts and desires, singe them with infernal fires. ...
"Always be a poet, even in prose." ~ Charles Baudelaire