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Showing posts from June 6, 2014

fruitless pursuit

fruitless pursuit And the tempest that roars in man's heart,  that blazes in man's soul,  can it be quelled,  can it be quenched?  And the storm that rages in man's mind,  that engulfs man's thoughts,  can it be calmed,  can it be quieted?  Mental vise winds tight.  Torque torments each thought.  Ideas twist to tantalize brains.  Pain pounds emotion's center.  Strain cavitates the inner torso.  Relief sought, returns unrequited. And the rampage that ravages man's life,  that tears asunder man's hope.  can it be arrested,  can it be salvaged?  And the force that strikes man's affection,  that afflict man's desires,  can it be shielded,  can it assuaged? Faith flails fecklessly forward.  Hope haunts human hearts.  Love languishes lamented longing.  Destiny dangles dumbly down.  Pote...