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Showing posts from May 26, 2014

Soldier's story

Soldiers and Sailors Monument (Civil War) Campagnone Common Lawrence, MA, USA. Soldier's story Soldier's story is often told. Air, land, sea soldier fights, true and bold. Soldier stands  with saluted hand, many serve in foreign lands.  Marching orders followed fully. Obedience given  often wholly.Weapons drawn in the fight. Echoed  gunfire fills the night. Soldier serves his country duly.  Uniform fitted, worn truly. Soldier's pride,  service faithful. Soldier's country, humbly grateful. Soldier's tomb revered as holy. This is part of Soldier's story. Blood shed under fire, coolly. Soldier's life honored, greatly.  Sacrificial lives recalled. Tales of tactics, hero's call. Lexington, Gettysburg, Iwo Jima, Remagen,  Hue City, Baghdad, and Kabul. Soldiers serve  unceasing against enemy rule. Epic battles lost and won. Engagements fought under moon and sun. Fought with blood, fateful gl...