❤ 50 Shades of Red ❤ 50 Shades of Red will tell her of your love, the ways you spend your life with her and touch her with velvet glove. 50 Shades of Red will say how much you love her, the things you give to her each day and with gifts you daily shower. 50 Shades of Red will prove your heart is always hers, the times you give her gems and diamonds and shower her with furs. 50 Shades of Red reflect the facets of love you shined, the reflections of your unspoken care and the ways your love's refined. 50 Shades of Red will pave the way for loving future, the times you spend in love with her and how your loving suits her. 50 Shades of Red will make each day a Valentine, the little hearts you send each day, and the ways you love her all the time. © 2015 ajwrites57 A Long ❤ ❤ ❤
"Always be a poet, even in prose." ~ Charles Baudelaire