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thinking of you

 thinking of you

When the shining sun splits the morning sky, I will have lain awake watching the moon on its transcendent journey through the stars, thinking of you. My thoughts, like dreams, swirl 'round the days and nights we spent in splendid joy. The joys and ways we laughed and danced in the sun and moonshine replay in my mind.

When the sun fills the sky and the morning dew has melted, I will have lain awake watching the clouds display themes of loving you. With glee and mirth we wandered to and from on earth. Our hearts entwined and joined around the tasks we undertook for life. Minds immersed and immense thoughts we thought together. Plans and purposes placed in time to complete as one. The minuets and waltzes that guided our feet to the tune of today's tomorrows set our path. Our smiles and jests joked in silent laughing fill my memory.

When the sun beats high and warms the glorious globe we inhabit, I will have lain watching each ray point to my love for you. The way you giggle and grin each time I tease and please you fills the panoramic view of your faces. You move and mingle through your loving ways to each human in your sphere of grace. Your body tempts and tantalizes while you clean and cook the daily menus of life. 

When the sun sinks slowly in humid and languid warmth, I will have lain here surveying the colors of your being as you shine and simmer your love over me. Your fragrant hair swirls and swings in my delighted face as you hover over me. Our fingers cling and cluster around our hearts in playful pleasure. We move in lustrous rainbow arcs through sky and sun and moon. Each motion of our oneness emits the reds and blues and yellows in splendorous celebration.

When the sun and moon exchange light and places, I will have lain counting the stars and your ways of loving. The things you do and ways you do them delight and demand my love. Your heart, my heart, days and night all done and then we rest in time we end our days and ways of loving. And when the sun and moon are gone our love and hearts and we will remain.

© 2013 ajwrites57
A Long
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